Saturday, September 03, 2005

Why, Gary, Why?!?!?

I am a good investment, dammmitSo, my disappointment in Gary has grown. Maybe it's all my fault, I spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening thinking about Gary. (I'll admit it, Gary popped into a few of my dreams as well.) I spent hours wondering, does Gary like my site, did he buy my blogshares blindly to leave me dissapointed, what is he doing right now, is he happy, what is his instant messenger id?
But now, I am growing resentful. Is he out with some other blogger, sweet talking them and buying their blogshares? I'll admit it, I even went over to his website to see if I was linked, or even if he just mentioned me. I checked my webstats to see if he visited again, and to see where he is from.

*SIGH* I guess Gary could just be busy, despite his web profile implying differently, he could have some semblance of a life. Who knows? Time to move on...

Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone. There was going to be a big party at Gary's house, but since he isn't talking, I guess it's off. Darn it, I said I wasn't going to mention him again. I am off to kill some pain, maybe when the full effect kicks in I will be able to move on and talk about something other than... well, you know.


ghartstein said...

Damned absentee owners!!!!

Bobby said...

Gary? Is that you, I..

Oh, hey Mr. G. How's things?

kris said...

I don't care if his party is off. Let's drink grain punch out of my bathtub and talk about spammers.


LBseahag said...

Who's hair is worse, Cohan O'Brian or Trump?

Spinning Girl said...

Blogshares is possibly one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of...dumber than fantasy football (sorry, all you FF losers -- I mean lovers -- out there).


Have a great weekend.


Bobby said...

I always thought they had the same hair, just that Trump's probably has the "trump" logo on it somewhere.

DaMasta said...

O'brian. You can't resist Trump's powerful essence. I'd do him.

LBseahag said...

Dump Trump.

I would do his wife, Melonoma, or whatever her name is....

Sherri Sanders said...

Thanks to you, I am now obsessed with this Blogshares thing myself. LOL! Someone named Brian owns like 1250 of my shares as well. Don't have time to look into it now, but will do so just out of curiosity. Have fun!!

Bobby said...

Sherri, I hope Brian is more supportive of you than Gary is me.

If you talk to Brian, ask him if he can tell Gary I'm looking for him.

Bobby said...

Sherri, I hope Brian is more supportive of you than Gary is me.

If you talk to Brian, ask him if he can tell Gary I'm looking for him.

kris said...

I STILL have no idea what blogshares are.

This is some effin party I haven't been invited to.

Kris = not popular.

Bobby said...

Nah, I looked up a brief summary of it, and it is exactly like SG said, it;s like Fantasy Football for geeks. And it's all based on the blogger's popularity level.

I am SO OVER Gary and his blogshare nonsense. I won't be talking about him again.


Spinning Girl said...

Yeah, right. Next you'll obsess about mannequins or something.

waiiiitt...holy cow, I must be psychic.