A few updates, I am working on the nurse picture, thanks for asking.
I will be writing about the "shindig" last weekend. Soon.
And I am attempting to get the laptop issue taken care of quickly, as my hatred for the mac grows daily. I hate even walking by it, as it seems to taunt me with it's little flickering monitor light. I think it is taunting me in morse code, but luckily I don't know morse code, except SOS, which we learned in scouts. And has that ever come in handy throughout my life.
And a few brief pieces of advice:
*Don't ask the night security guards where anything is located in a hospital.
*Don't attempt to use an emergency exit only door, even when your pissed that you've been given faulty directions.
*The painkiller pump button can be pushed by other people, it doesn't have to be the patient. (Which comes in handy when the patient is being grouchy.)
*Avoiding potholes in the street to give the patient a pleasant ride home will actually cause more of a bumpy ride than if you hadn't even tried.
LOL!! I don't think I would be very good at taking care of other people either! Like Karen from Will and Grace says, "I do not read, I am read to"
Hang in there!
glad justin came through well. looking forward to the pictures. maybe a little too much.
I used to push the pain med button til the nurse came in & told me I had maxed out, I could stop pushing. I pushed it 72 times in one hour.
Hope the recovery goes smoothly!
I'm with spinning girl. My epidural button had an alarm on it that sounded if you pushed it too much. The nurse would have to drag her ass down from the station to reset it. I think I set it off every hour I was in labor!
I'm glad the surgery went well.
I could never be a nurse either, my patience grows thin very fast. My patient may be suffering from more ailments then what they origonally arrived with.
Glad all is well! Another note of caution: don't eat the hospital jello.
Don't ask.
Did you ask for a matching enoculator?
You could play some sort of game show with that stuff...no doubt you wouldve won!!!!
glad to see you back!
Great to hear that the procedures went well! I was a nurse for a time, and you have to remember, they can be mean and brutal, so don't be too hard on yourself. Grouchy is to be expected -- he's a flightless bird for the time being and in pain -- but if it makes you feel better to call him Oscar, then I say DO IT! :) You have to have some joy in this, you know!
A flightless bird...that made it sound so sad....[sniff]
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