accepted pets.
"what type of dog is it?" the apartment manager, henceforth referred to as "brain dead", asked.
"Miniature Pinscher." we replied, adding "He's already full grown, and weighs about 8 1/2 pounds." We always add that,
so people know it's a small dog, which some apartments prefer.
"Oooohhhh...." Brain Dead said, shaking her head. "We don't allow that breed."
Astonished, we asked why.
Brain Dead said, "we have a list of breeds we don't allow, since they can be vicious, and doberman pinschers are on the list. I'm very sorry, would you consider getting rid of your dog?"
Obviously, Brain Dead was not a pet owner or she wouldn't have asked that. We really wanted the apartment, otherwise this was the point I would have gone off on Brain Dead.
"He's not a doberman pinscher, he's a miniature pinscher, which is actually a terrier breed." we explained patiently. "You allow terriers don't you?" We ignored her request to get rid of our dog.
"Oh yes!" Brain Dead said.
"So we're fine."
"No, his breed name has pinscher in the title, so we wouldn't allow it."
"He's a terrier, they are bred to look like dobermans, but they aren't even related."
"But he has pinscher in his title."
"But he isn't one."
This went back and forth for a few minutes, with Justin's temper starting to make his voice get harsher. Ever the facilitator, I interjected, "If my name was Mr. Black, would that make me black? Because I have black in my name?"
"Obviously not, sir." Brain Dead said, increasing my hope that I could actually show her the error of her ways.
"So, our dog's name is like that, he's called a miniature pinscher, but he is actually a terrier. I can bring a note from the vet if you need it for your manager."
Ooops. I apparently insulted Brain Dead at this point, insinuating she needed her manager's authority to make this decision.
"The vet would state that his breed is minitature pinscher, though, right?" Brain Dead said. Now, the way she said it made her sound quite intelligent and rational, but trust me, she wasn't.
I had to agree, that yes, the vet would state his name was miniature pinscher, but his breed was terrier.
"And we don't allow dogs with pinscher in their title to move in." Brain Dead said, concluding her argument, and adding a smile that I would have liked to physically remove from her face.
I continue to explain that I understood their policy, but that rules are guidelines, and obviously someone had not thought this one through, and that's why people are in place to interpet those rules when odd circumstances come along, like this one. It didn't help.
Now when someone like that asks, we just say he is a terrier. When they comment on how much he looks like a doberman, we reply, "yes, amazing what breeders can do these days with terriers."
I was going to link to min-pin mama's blog, but I am at work and can't find it. I Will edit at home.
Also, the minpin in the pic is cute, and looks similar to our dog, but it just doesn't feel right having another dog's picture on my blog. It's like when I come home after playing with someone else's dog and my dog can smell it on me. I feel like I've been caught cheating.
I will replace the picture as soon as I get home, and hopefully before my dog notices.
My building allows dogs...there are these viscious two white poodles that tore out my living room screen when they tried to kill my cat jinx...add poodles to the list...
hope you found a better place that with Brain Dead...
It's like that Seinfeld episode where he tried to return a suit out of spite and the sales lady says I'm sorry sir, you can't return a suit for that reason. You have to be dissatified with it somehow. So he says, ok then, I'm dissatisfied with the suit. And she says, I'm sorry sir, we can't return it, you already said spite.
word ver - "hekhvii" - Heckuva guud time.
LB, no offense to poodle lovers out there, but I think they are evil. (And I saw your post over at Patsy's. You called me out, and just to let you know, I had you called.) Love you, mean it.
Damasta, exactly. We actually thought about going back when Brain Dead wasn't working and just saying he was a terrier.
Oh yeah. Next time say he's a cat.
Stupid people.
I have had pet issues as well. Only, it was with my home owners insurance. We have a rotweiler (he's a big lovable baby, it all depends on the owners) and is considered a dangerous breed. When the agent came out to assess the value of our house, he seen Hank laying on the porch. The first thing he said was either we get rid of the dog or we won't be insured. Ticked me right off. I had no idea what he was talking about. He said that insurance companies won't insure a home that has a dangerous breed animal. I lied of course and told him that he was a mutt. You wouldn't believe the animals that are on this list though, ferrits, certain types of birds, spaniels, St. Bernanrds, just to name a few.
Geez. Once again proving my point, rules so people don't have to think. People are hired to be able to interpret those rules, but nowadays, they don't. They just blindly enforce them.
"What? You have a ferrit? This is a dangerous household!"
"But he's dead, we had him stuffed."
"My book doesn't say anything about them being stuffed, just if you have one. Sorry."
the thing that pisses me off the most is that money is money.
i work for a hotel chain that accepts pets for like $10 a day extra. a good, responsible pet owner will pay it, and the room will be fine.
when they dont declare them, thats where its trouble...
so why the hell do they put labels on the dog breed?
i have seen a schnauzer tear apart a bedspread and chew up a boxspring...
but poor mini pinscher, who just hangs out, gets shafted.
I always tell apartment people that I have hamsters instead of rats.
And if they see the rats, and question them being hamsters, I say they are a rare breed of Austrailian kangaroo hamsters, that's why their tail is so long.
But when there's carpet missing from each corner in the apartment, that's when there's trouble...
I could physically feel my hackles rising at this story. With each back & forth exchange, my hairs rose stiffer, by breathing became more rapid, and my blood pressure climbed higher. If it weren't for the smoke spurting from my nasals, I would have thought maybe I was about to have a good time.
Great post!
The I've lived in this house, roughly, on and off, for 17 years, and the homeowners association just decided that every household needed to declare their pets age, size and breed, "for safety." They also wanted a list of every person living in the house, their car makes and models, plus license plate numbers, in case of an emergency, so the association could count the missing occupants and let the firemen know to go back in for more. Hah! Right. Nazis. You should've seen what I wrote as my occupants. Mwahahahah! It's a house! I'm not a renter -- it's MINE! Get out of my business!
Cupcake, nope, moved somewhere where they could think for themselves.
Librarian, i detest some of the homeowner's associations.
Is the pic of your min-pin? I love min-pin's.
What an idiot apt mgr, sometimes I just HATE PEOPLE. His stupidity may have saved you a lot of trauma, can you imagine asking him to have something repaired? It could be a total nightmare.
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