This beautiful white giraffe was recently spotted and animal experts are extremely excited. News has been downplayed, however, as the news originally reported that the white giraffe was spotted "finding" leaves, while nearby black giraffes were reported to be "stealing and looting" the same leaves.
Also, Old Yeller dog food was going to be featured on Animal Planet, but the company's commercials tagline, "Feed your dog one last good meal before you put him down." was found to be lacking in sensitivity.
For the love, this is my favorite post of yours yet.
And I'm the first to comment! Wahoo! Back off, be-otches!
Giraffes, too? This proves a lot of things to the Bush Administration....
Here is another tall white guy trying to be black
Awww, thanks Kris.
And LB, that's hilarious.
you are my creativity muse...
time for an old yeller sandwich
Brilliant! I love it!
Just this afternoon I heard Mother Bush say this regarding the zoo:
Don't you know, those giraffes are better off now anyway. I mean, they were always homeless, so this is working out well for them.
where has your site been my whole blogging life?? this is great stuff!!
ive got a friend or two im going to have to point your way.
thanks for stopping by my humble abode and participating in sentence saturday
hee! Media racism is funny!
Thanks for coming by my blog...
that incredibly disturbed child appears to be doing something else to 'ol yeller! (you didn't hear this from me)
Libarian, compassion runs deep in the Bush family, even for giraffes. Although I think they are taking the white giraffe in and letting it stay at their Texas compound.
Bricitrout, Sentence Saturday was fun. I will remind everyone next weekend to go over and play. And thanks.
Jamwall, I didn't realize that, but yes, that boy is definately up to something. I guess Old Yeller was getting screwed one way or another....
Man, Kayne West is gonna be pissed when he hears about the giraffes.
Giraffe: But I was taking that TV to feed my FAMBLY!!!!
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