I know, I know, I said I wasn't posting more today, but in the previous Land of the Lost post, a minor discussion ensued about a monkey from the show. Well, like the Bart picture says, I will google before asking dumb questions I can look up myself. (Ok, I won't always do that, but this time I did.)
So anyhow, when a piec

e of trivia gets stuck in my head, it really bothers me. I thought about it, and finally just googled it.
Chaka. Chaka was the monkey guy that was the kid's friend from the land of the lost. For some reason, even though my friends would talk about wanting a "Chaka" like creature as a friend, I only found him to be annoying. A big monster would be coming through the trees, the family would spot it, and then Chaka would say something in his language, "Chaka Kahn. Chaka Kahn. Chaka Kahn gonna rock you." or something like that. And the family would all praise Chaka like he had saved their lives from the monster they had already seen.
I have a lot of Chaka like people in my life. I trip on something, and someone says, "Watch out for that." Or I break something, and someone points out "You have to be careful with those". I am going to just start saying, "Thanks Chaka. Good Chaka." when they say these stupid things. And I am not going to explain why. It will make me feel better to make them wonder.
In future comments, when someone points out the obvious, I will be posting back, "Thank you Chaka. Good Chaka." You'll know what I mean, even if they don't.
Jesus, Mary, and Sweet Poppa Joseph. As soon as I saw that monkeyboy picture I had a total flashback. Of course I remember the helpful Chaka! How come he/she/it knew what to do with the dinosaurs, and the Homo sapiens that actually made it out of the neolithic era had to resort to logs and crystals?
Oh, you are the best.
I've written a story for tomorrow's post, and put it up already. I hope you like it. I cried while I wrote it, like what's her name in Romancing the Stone.
I despised Chaka. He gave a bad name to all primates.
I am just glad Chaka feels for me...I think she loves me....
SG, aren't flashbacks great? And I am off to read your new story next.
Monkey, no offense to you. I was making fun of Chaka, not monkeys in general. I love monkeys, just not Chaka.
LB, we all feel for you. I think I love you, too.
Cool, cuz I love a good inside joke. Except if it's on me. I don't want to be chaka.
BabyJ, you will never be Chaka. I love you too much for that.
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