I am assuming Gary has viewed my blog at some point, but I could be wrong, he could have just seen the increasing value of my blog through the blogshares site and bought it there. (I think.)
I am leaving this message for Gary up until he can at least say hello. (Notice I am not posting the link to Gary's site, blog, etc. because I think, if I get the whole blogshare thing, that would make his blog more valuable. I think it would make mine more valuable, too, but oh well.) So please say hi Gary, if you are out there, and if that is indeed your real name.
I briefly glanced at the blogshare website, and got some statistics on me, and a few of you regulars.
My most recent valuation showed my outgoing link value at $113.25.
Four of you are listed on the information page for me, and I might mention that you all have higher values. I am jealous. (I am listing them as their site did.)
Life's Misadventures - $501.69
Eleven Point Five - $278.62
I was just thinking - $249.14
All I Really Have to Do - $123.20
So, some of you regulars who are worth so much, can I borrow some money? Real money, not blogshare money!
And if anyone has an brief, non-technical, explanation, please let me know.
Hey Bobby,
Where's the link? My luck, my shares are in the negative. Serves me right after that "fat ass spaghetti" post.
The link is http://www.blogshares.com, but I had a hard time finding anything there without them wanting to register me. I initially found it through my sitestracker, it listed a referral site as blogshares with some long code after it. When I clicked it, it was all about my site and how much I was worth.
Heather, congratulations.
Patsy, exactly. If I could trade in any amount of my shares for some drinks, I would be fine. In fact, I am headed directly to the bar in about an hour...
Damasta, mine started at 13 cents, I don't know if you can go negative?
At least I am not alone, I thought maybe everyone knew about this but me.
Holy cow!! I had no idea, $249.14. Assuming 'I was just thinking' is me, that is. :)
Sherri, yea, I listed them as they appeared on the blog site, sorry.
Those values, by the way, are just the "outgoing link" values. There are actually 10,000 shares of each blog worth an amout, blah blah blah.
And if anyone wants to know, that really is the guy who "owns" 80% of my blog. Gary? Did you stop by yet? Gary!
LOL! Hi Gary! (smiling and waving)
Alllllllll the peeeeeeeeeople must flock to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Umm, Gary looks vaguely familiar, in a way that is making me really uncomfortable in my tummy.
Could you ask him if he was at a costume party in 1988 wearing a Teddy Ruxpin mask? If so, there's a 16-year-old I'd like him to meet.
ps. Here's $4.72 for ya, Bobby. It's all I have right now, unless you want this Kohl's gift card.
Disclaimer: I, in no way, intended to imply that all spaghetti was "fat" or "large" in any way. I appreciate spaghetti for what's on the inside, not its appearance on the outside. However, in my experience, spaghetti noodles tastes the same all the way thru. At any rate, I apologize if I have offended any "large" or "full figured" noodles.
Ironically, the word-ver is : "nzootx", which just makes me think of noodles.
Heather, thats how I feel as well, thats what made me kinda weirded out when I found all of this. People playing games with our blogs without our knowledge.
SG, cool, I love Kohl's. :)
And he does look like a Teddy Ruxpin type of guy. (No offense Gary.)
Damasta, I am sure the pasta is unoffended, but I'll have to check with Gary.
My verification word, no kidding, was dksqur. IS blogger trying to tell me something?
Hey Bobby,
Today an applicant put "likes to talk on the phone" as her Hobbies.
So...I guess...receptionist pile?
[or trash pile?]
Trash, unless you are hiring her for phone sales. :)
The only reason hobbies is asked about is to see if someone can't list a REAL hobby.
What the Hades is a blogshare?
[insert Kris crying alone in corner here]
Kris, you don't know how relieved I am that you don't know either.
Gary, please help us here!!
Damnit...I had to work hard for the $4....and i mean "work"!
Gary, you left your tie on my sofa...call me.
Phone sales...like..."adult entertainment call center personnel" ?
Damasta, I dated one of those once. Surprisingly, it wasn't as sexy as I would thought.
Well hon,
The people who do adult entertainment via phone are the ones that aren't hot enough to do adult entertainment via DVD.
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