Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you.

I would tell you who I stole the idea for this from, but it's part of the quiz, so I won't. (But a freebie for those of you who visit my link list on the right.)

Take My Quiz on

Can you Ace my quiz?
Let's Find Out!

Friday, November 17, 2006


Okay, I try to keep the blog lighthearted, except when I am bitchin about stuff, but come one...Room for gay penguins in school libraries? - Education - MSNBC.com Is this for real? It's based on a true story. And they are animals for crying out loud.

I am sure there is some kind of "happy feet" joke in here somewhere, I am just way too intoxicated to think of it right now.

Seriously. My life would be so much easier if I was a gay penguin, I mean, they just went and adopted a kid, no problems whatsoever. *SIGH*

Happy Librarian (link on the right, check her out), what is your library's policy on this book? Just wondering.....

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Where oh where....?

I am refusing to update my links on the right, hoping that some of the now missing people will return. *SIGH*. And some aren't just not posting, they are officially gone.

Anyway, while I soak the misery of my missing blog friends with bourbon, I will be posting this weekend on the events of last weekend, which included getting drunk with some preteen and teen girls (they weren't drunk, I was), a 16 year old drunk boy, and some of their parents. Heh, it's amusing, not perverted, so don't come back expecting something perverted. That's next week's post.

Totally unrelated, did you ever notice how people you like disappear from your life, yet people you don't like end up resurfacing time and time again? Argh. (Yes, I just typed argh. I never actually say argh out loud, but I do find myself typing it a lot.)

So, what's been up with everyone? I am trying to catch up on everyone's blogs, until then.....

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Tina Fey loves Spinning Girl

Spinning Girl Tina Fey reads Spinning Girls' blog, as should you. In tonight's episode of 30 rock, (yes, I had nothing better to do than drink bourbon and watch 30 rock), they used the word vajayjay. I give all credit to SG for making the word popular, despite other theories of where it originated. Check SG out. For the pervs, no vajayjays are actually pictured.