Friday, November 17, 2006


Okay, I try to keep the blog lighthearted, except when I am bitchin about stuff, but come one...Room for gay penguins in school libraries? - Education - Is this for real? It's based on a true story. And they are animals for crying out loud.

I am sure there is some kind of "happy feet" joke in here somewhere, I am just way too intoxicated to think of it right now.

Seriously. My life would be so much easier if I was a gay penguin, I mean, they just went and adopted a kid, no problems whatsoever. *SIGH*

Happy Librarian (link on the right, check her out), what is your library's policy on this book? Just wondering.....


ghartstein said...

That's amazing! And we haven't even established if the penguins were actually gay or just curious? And were they in love or just bonding together to raise the little one...two men and a baby so to speak. Leave it to whacked out parents to freak out over nothing...the only ones scarred from this are the freaking penguins!

Bobby said...

I know, they could have just been male bonding over a baby. I mean, no one question tom selleck, and those other two guys. Steve something. damn. who were those guys?

Trivia challenge time. Cheers!

Spinning Girl said...

I'll have to see what the Snootyville library thinks.

I generally am not fond of penguins, regardless of their orientation. & Just because these two are out & proud doesn't make me love them more.

Well, maybe a just a little more.

Bobby said...

What? Penguins are so cute. well, okay, they all look pretty much alike, but I love how they walk.

Heh, just picturing them walk makes me laugh.

I wonder if gay penguins walk different? I have to watch the discovery channel more.

Happy Villain said...

What's our policy?

We own it! That's right! We rock like that! And when I read this news article myself, I was ready to give my spiel to the youth librarians and demand that we own it, but lo and behold, we already did... and... AND... it's checked out. It's quite popular.

For the first time in a long time, I'm proud of my library! And our patrons.

LBseahag said...

those losers in Illinois...come one, they were from NYC! Isn't everyone gay in NYC?
My local library has it, I checked...thank god I live in the land of the cats are gay, too.