Thursday, November 16, 2006

Where oh where....?

I am refusing to update my links on the right, hoping that some of the now missing people will return. *SIGH*. And some aren't just not posting, they are officially gone.

Anyway, while I soak the misery of my missing blog friends with bourbon, I will be posting this weekend on the events of last weekend, which included getting drunk with some preteen and teen girls (they weren't drunk, I was), a 16 year old drunk boy, and some of their parents. Heh, it's amusing, not perverted, so don't come back expecting something perverted. That's next week's post.

Totally unrelated, did you ever notice how people you like disappear from your life, yet people you don't like end up resurfacing time and time again? Argh. (Yes, I just typed argh. I never actually say argh out loud, but I do find myself typing it a lot.)

So, what's been up with everyone? I am trying to catch up on everyone's blogs, until then.....


Spinning Girl said...

I have noticed that same phenomenon. Like the hot Lenny-Kravitz-look-alike-identical-twins I saw (really!) just ONCE; but the ugly lady with the hairy mole? I see her every day.

That blows.

I've missed you. truly.

Bobby said...

Missed you too darlin.

Sherri Sanders said...

I didn't realize you were posting again. :)

My link has changed, it's

In case you want to take a peek.