I dream about a girl who's a mix of Destiny's Child,
Just a little touch of Madonna's wild style,
With Janet Jackson's smile, throw in a body like Jennifer
You've got the star of my liquid dreams
First off, not the best lyrics in the world, and I really doubt that a few of them have ever had a "Liquid dream" that involved a woman, but let's move on.
In the tradition of "Where are they now?", I did some research, as I am sure everyone is just dying to know. It's amazing what you can find on the internet, even without paying the $35 background check fee. And note to my probation officer, this is not stalking, I don't do that anymore. And even if I did, O Town was never on my list of people, organizations, or entities that I am not allowed to stalk any longer.
Ashley, the blonde one, is now a "personal assistant" to an elderly, life long bachelor, in Key West. Most of his daily duties involve cleaning the pool in his speedos, serving meals in his speedos, taking phone calls in his speedos, you get the idea. Ashley is rumored to be quite happy, and only hopes that when his employer dies, the judges don't screw him over like they did poor Anna Nicole.
Dan, to the left of the blonde one, was recently promoted to head fry cook at a local pub and is working on losing some of the 100 pounds he put on after the band stopped touring. He still sings at local karaoke events, and is occasionally asked for his autograph when signing checks and paying bills.
Jacob, top right, with unexplained dreadlocks, recovered nicely from his family intervention. His hair is now back to normal and takes less time to get ready in the mornings on his way to Piggly Wiggly to bag groceries.
Erik, with the shaved head, whose last name is Estrada (no relation), tried briefly to do celebrity impersonations of, you guessed it, Erik Estrada. His lack of acting skill enhanced his impersonation, and Erik has now saved up enough money to attend night time refridgeration school.
Trevor, the other one, was hard to find. The last people to admit to seeing him said that he was tracking down Justin Guarini (from American Idol fame) so they could pitch Trevor's screenplay based on the life of the Milli Vanilli guys. Trevor and Justin would play the star roles of course.
I wanted more information, so I emailed VH1, as they have that show "Bands Reunited", and asked if they could work on an OTown reunion. The rep from VH1 emailed me back and asked, "Who?"
ashley is missing a great rewarding opportunity to play the poolboy in about 85% of the porno videos that are made each year!
refridgeration school! i hear that's a cool profession (hahahahaha!!!!!.....................................sorry!
this brings the buddhist teaching of impermanence to a hauntingly real level
Ever notice how we are identified by which band member we like?
Take this all the way back to Duran Duran. Who were you? Were you Nick Rhodes? Simon LeBon? John Taylor?
New Kids on the block: Were you Donnie? Joey? Jordan?
Backstreet Boys- Were you AJ? Brian? Nick? Howie?
I was totally John Taylor, Jordan and Howie...
But with O-Town, it was so hard to choose! They all had great looks, a sensitive side, and oh, what fun they were! They're music really made us want to own the dance floor!
I am so glad they are doing well...
please keep us informed on any possible mall-tours...
This is just too funny!!
Thank you, now I can sleep again.
Excellent Bobby. Now I can focus solely on what happened to the members of Diddy's "making the band"
did diddy's band every do anything on the radio or tv?
duran duran - nah, i'm too young for that.
new kids - i was donny.
nsync - joey or chris, i couldn't decide.
backstreet - i hate them all.
I'm still holding on to my O Town sheets, all of the posters, and concert ticket stubs. Knowing what I now know: I stand to profit more from their career than they did! Cha-Ching.
I thinking about hiring them for my next birthday party. They shouldn't be expensive.
How to speak Elvish
I just realized, (and did you do this intentionally?) that you posted the pic of Orlando under the "It's all about the O" post.
Very clever, Spinning Girl. Or coincidental. But knowing you, it was clever. And much appreciated.
Nice....he can give me a big "o" or "bloom" my onion any day!
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