Bear with me here, it will all make sense in the end. I didn't wear sandals, or go barefoot, for most of my life, until this year. I was asked why I, and it took my a while, but it ends up, it is all Karen Black's fault. Well, okay, Karen Black indirectly, the babysitter who allowed me to watch "Trilogy of Terror" when I was three or four was really more at fault. I don't really remember the other two tales of terror, but the one with the little doll was horrifying. Once it came to life, it chased after Karen Black, and since it was small, it poked it's little spear at her ankles, trying to make her fall to the ground so it could kill her. When I was five, my grandmother had a bobble head doll that resembled the doll from the movie, and I screamed when the air conditioner went on and made the head seem to bobble on its own. So there you have it, the babysitter with bad judgement and Karen Black kept me from wearing sandals or going barefoot until this year.
Or the bee that stung me on the bottom of my foot when I was five, but that doesn't make a good story now, does it?
I actually sat up and watched that one voluntarily. back when I was a kid in the UK, on BBC 2 during the summer, they had a horror double bill on Saturday nights, they'd have one classic ( normally Universal) horror movie and then another more recent ( normally a Hammer of Amicus affair). One Saturday they had trilogy of terror. The Devil Doll one scared me shitless! I still have nightmares about that one. I fell in a gibbering heap amongst my smokey bacon crisps and a pool of spilt cherryade.
No doubt that was one of the scariest movies I saw in my childhood! I remember it vividly, although I never took a haitus from open shoes on that account.
I know a Karen Black, and she is a funeral director...you know, an UNdErTaKer!!!!
You are so right! I've mentioned this movie in my blog as well, only my fear is attached to fishing anything out from under furniture, for the same reason.
What was it about he horror movies of our childhood leaving scars so permanent? When A Stranger Calls, Magic, The Exorcist. I still can't watch any of them. Do you think kids of today are going to be 30-something and say that The Grudge was so darn scary that they just can't watch it even now? No way!
Oh. my. god. Get out of my head. Every spooky scary thing I've ever talked about, obscure as it is, is right here on your blog. Next you'll talk about the Manitou, and then we'll know we were separated at birth.
OK I just reread and the story about grandma's bobble head doll coming to life on its own (with the AC) made me pee a little.
Patsy, I was protecting my feet and ankles by wearing shoes, or at least I thought. Karen Black was barefoot when the litle doll went after her. But yes, I do have plenty of issues.
Allistair, I rewatched it in my twenties, thinking, no way would it scare me now, and it still gave me the chills.
Dave, you are a braver man than I.
LB, perfect name for an undertaker.
Librarian, for some reason, I don't think so, because kids today see SO much of it. I've heard a few mention movies that scared them for a while, but none have been emotionally scarred.
SG, wow. Manitous. Really? I have to hear that one. And sorry about the pee.
I think I saw this one. Its funny how things like this effect you forever.
Oh my god, you do not know about the manitou. I can't believe it.
MP Momma, yep, scarred for life. That may be my next tattoo.
SG, I thought I had thoroughly read your entire site, and follow all of your listed blogs for comments, but I guess sometimes when I took breaks to eat, sleep, or pee, I missed the manitou?
Crap, now I will be speculating.
dude, as soon as I left here I went & posted abotu that film, because it scares the crap out of me and it is so sososososososo bad.
I eat while I blog.
No plans tonight--obviously. I like it that way.
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