This just in, people's intelligence level actually drops on Wednesday. No, I don't have any scientific proof, it's in the really strong theory category right now. But I am not having a good day, and here is an example.
I received an email today, from a co-worker, who asked for instructions on how to forward an email. Seriously. I replied with, "you open the email, click the forward button, click send." Apparently that wasn't what they needed, but it was exactly what they asked for.
What did all of that have to do with Fiona Apple, you may be asking. Fiona Apple drove her cargo van, going 70 miles per hour, into our car, which was at a complete dead stop, back in 2001. Stay with me, this all relates to me having a bad day.
Am I rich, now? Do I have horrific lingering back pain issues?
No, (no great pay off for the totaled car) and yes (tons of pain). Unfortunately for me, it was not the Fional Apple. It was a 17 year old blonde girl who had the misfortune of having the same name. This little cutie (I say that with dripping sarcasm, as the cop decided against ruining her one year old perfect driving record with a nasty ol' ticket, due to her being so darn cute) giggled throughout the whole thing, despite the presence of injured people around her. And, to top it off, her and her two male football player friends, didn't bother helping anyone get their cars off the road, because... well, because their van started just fine, they were too busy giggling, and she was too darn cute to be doing physical labor.
So, back to me.... The doctor who has been seeing me recently, due to new backpains, decided that instead of finding something that would work for my pain, he would pawn me off on a physical therapist. Which would be great if physical therapists carried around magic wands. So, if my writing seems a little bitter, or sporadic for a few days, blame Fiona Apple.
Glad you shared that one!
And I was so self-absorbed blaming a Shriner in a Taurus for nearly decapitating me in 91....
Hang in there. :)
Damn her. I was rear ended by a Marky Mark once.
But that wasn't so bad after all. :)
I'd take Markey Mark in my grill anyday....
Patsy, can't wait to read that story, sounds interesting.
LB, I want to hear the shriner story someday too.
Cass, believe me, it was hard not to track her down, but the Private investigator wouldn't help once he saw how darn cute she was. argh.
Thanks Sherri and HEather.
Kris, rear ended by Marky Mark? Do you have pictures? :)
Madman, the doctor gave me the "baby" vicoden, so I would be able to work, but didn't want to give me anything stronger when they weren't working, hence I am going to a specialist today. If you see a post this evening from me, in an extremely happy tone, it will be due to percocet or at least the extra strength vicoden.
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