1. Saw the blood mobile people, all five of them, take a smoke break. Wondered if their boss knows they smoke.
2. Realized that the barriers they put on public computers at my work, for people to view their online check information, made it real easy for them to play games and view porn instead.
3. Decided to play games and view porn at one of the public computers instead of my desk, where people can walk up and see what I am doing.
4. Asked Security if they could zoom in on my car with their cameras to see if I left my lighter inside.
5. Listened to someone complain that their friend wasn't hired because they got a bad reference, fought urge to tell them it was really because they failed the hiring test (based on 6th grade English and math skills).
6. Felt better after someone ticked me off by telling myself they would rue the day, because they would get blasted on my blog. (Yes, when I talk to myself, I often use words like "rue".)
7. Decided to use "they will rue the day" or similar variants at least 10 times today.
8. Got strange looks and reconsidered number 7, after explaining that the I.T. department would rue the day they changed one of my databases without asking. (They will rue the day they did that, just not sure how yet.)
1 comment:
I must not have read this with my full attention the first time...now I did, and I think a little bit of tinkle came out onto the fig leaf. Nice work, my bro.
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