Today's Highlights from Bobby's World.
1. Realized I've never seen any girlfriends for Snap, Crackle, or Pop. HHHmmm....
2. Decided my almost week long break from bourbon is officially over tonight.
3. Decided I may have a problem since #2 made me so excited.
4. Convinced myself that the week off proved I don't have a problem.
5. Created three new walking routes to the smoking area at work, so the same people wouldn't always seem me
going there.
6. Started carrying a red folder around work with me to look like I am doing something important, and to make
people nervous.
7. Remembered to water my cacti. (My co-worker used to remind me, for the past 5 or 6 years, but she moved offices
and doesn't remind me anymore. It's a lucky thing I decided on a cactus.)
8. Decided I spend too much time recording my highlights, so I am not posting a number 9 or 10 for time management purposes.
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