Bobby is a gender neutral name, and even other people named Bobby don't follow the gender spelling rules, Bobby was a guy, Bobbie was a girl. Not anymore.
So, the answer is.. SPOILER WARNING for those who don't want to know.
I'm a boy.
Hence the disturbing image of me in a nursing outfit (see highlights in previous post.) I thought it would be funny and might cheer him up, but I just don't think I can pull it off.
Also, while tying up loose ends, I got tagged with the "7" list, answers below. The question about the opposite sex may be funnier now that you know I am male. (I also got tagged with the idiosyncrasies one, but I haven't finished it yet.)
Plan to do before I die
1. Retire, with money.
2. Have a kid. (Not actually have a kid, oh you know what I mean.)
3. Take a vacation where I completely and totally don't have to worry about money.
4. Get over my obsession about not liking odd numbered things. (Hence, I have changed this to 6, instead of 7.)
5. Record a "video tombstone" message that people will not forget.
6. Skydive.
Things I can do
1. Remember obscure facts, but only by not remembering anything important.
2. Pee Wee Herman impressions. (the verbal kind, you sickos)
3. Speak in front of large crowds without soiling myself.
4. Let my cell phone ring and not answer it, which some people seem unable to do.
5. Take large doses of xanax and still function.
6. Spend large amount of time with my honey and my dog and be completely content. (Mostly)
Things I can't do
1. Eat anything that ends in -ese. (Seriously, except cheese on pizza, no cheese anywhere else.)
2. Sing well.
3. Cook.
4. Stop smoking.
5. Quit while I'm ahead.
6. Deal with ignorant people.
Things that attract me to the opposite sex
1. An attractive single brother.
2. An attractive single male best friend.
3. Good shopping skills.
4. The desire to buy me things, without expecting anything in return.
5. Breasts. They're pretty and cushiony.
6. Pony tails. I love pony tails.
Things I say most
1. Howdy!
2. Just kidding, just playing, not really, etc.
3. Oy!
4. Can I bum a cigarette?
5. Drinks everyone?
6. I'm seeing someone, so.... no. And I wouldn't do that even if I was single.
My lawyer has advised me to not answer the celebrity crush question on the grounds it may further incriminate me....I was not stalking. Geez.
I forgot to tag anyone, and despite bad luck, or karma, or whatever, am not going to.
If you feel compelled, and would like to play, feel free, no pressure. :)
My younger brother is named Bobby. Although, he goes by 'Bob' now, I'm the only one allowed to still call him Bobby. I guess it's a 'man' thing for him. :)
Sherri, I have fought all of my life to not be called Bob. It just doesn't sound right on me.
I totally agree! Another name that I have a hard time using, Dick. To top it off, I work with a man who goes by Dick. He's offended if I call him Richard.
Uh...Bobby. *clearing throat*
I am completely turned inside out.
I feel a burning inside; I need a cigarette after reading that one.
The eating anything that ends in -ese is floating...
After all that, will you be my Jane Goodall? I have a few gestures I'd like to show you....
ooo ooo eeee eee ahhh ahhh!
Yay! I guessed correctly! Whew, not a carnie gal with a goatee.
Forgive my stupidity, but maybe it just hasn't made its way down to Los Angeles, but what is this Carnie thing? It seems to be popular in the Midwest.
What is it?
CA Clueless
I wasn't picking on you, LB, just having fun.
Patsy, I am an extremely picky eater, and been with a culinary arts graduate for 5 years, How's that for ironic?
LB, Carnies are people who work the carnival, who typically a little off beat. Bearded lady, lobster boy, etc.
I know you are but what am I?
I know YOU ARE but what am I?
Everybody's got a big but, Bobby. Let's talk about yours.
Bobby...I wasn't bent. I have fun on this blog thing...
Do you think the carnies are headed West? Oh, they are...They live in Fresno.
I think, that you can find carnies all over. Which is either a good thing, or bad thing, depending on your outlook.
Personally, I don't run across carnies often, but would rather run across them then some of the rednecks around here.
Before I die, I plan to get it on with two chicks at the same time....while I'm eating a sandwhich.
I think I date too many carnies. They should all be boxed up and shipped to Madagascar.
Dontcha think, LB?
You know what I can't do?
Seem to find a friggin NORMAL person in this goo lagoon known as the "dating pool"!!!!!
I think I'm a little frustrated...
...must ...go....lie....down....
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