Our roomie wanted to watch the VMA's, so I thought I would post some comments. I can't promise I will stick with it, but if I don't, you will know why.
I'm pretty sure Billy from Green Day is dying his hair black. It's probably turning gray, how old is he now?
Big intro, but not all that interesting. They need to learn something from the movie awards, the movie spoofs are sometimes hilarious.
Puff, you can't say "They call me Diddy". You told people to call you Diddy. Big Difference.
Kelly C. wins Best Female. Yes, trite pop music, but killer dance mixes and I like her. And some rap guy I've never heard of until this week, when he said rap was too homophobic. Good for him.
Commercials. Including one about everything that you hear isn't true, like MTV doesn't play music. Maybe they count MTV2 as well.
Missy Elliot has dropped some more weight, co-introduces Ludacris and Bobby Valentino, one I have heard of.
Puffy finally does some hosting without rapping, but does mention he does everything with class. Since when? Oh wait, he's cussing up a storm to prove his point.
Introduces Kirsten Dunst and Orlando Bloom, flash of Paris Hilton looking bored in the audience. Me too, Paris. Me too. Best Rock Video goes to Green Day, who opened the show, big surprise.
Smoke Break
Secret performance, from MC Hammer?!? Give me a break, notice Puffy said Secret performance, not "Special."
I guess they kept it a secret so the ratings wouldn't plummet.
I think I am turning the television to Family Guy. Not before I see the Simpson sisters coming on stage, that cemented my decision...
Billy from Green Day probably wears diapers at this point. And I'm sure Gwen Stefani does, too.
From a cable-less apartment in the south of Florida, thank you for the VMA play-by-play.
I was here, but cannot add anything (mouth full of leaves---foraging for grubs in The Homo sapiens Enclosure)
Thanks for the VMA commentary! I see no need to catch a rerun now!
OMG! MC Hammer?? Is he even still alive?? LOL
Hammer is alive. He changed his name to Hammer, but Puffy Daddy (Diddy) didn't bother to call him that, which I found ironic.
SG > You mean they didn't let you watch it? I hope you have a TIVO, heh heh.
How cute, the word verification just said I was a "qtpii"
Diddy is showing his age then. :) He must have been awe struck by him when he was still MC Hammer. "It's Hammer Time". (LOL, now I'm showing my age.)
Is it me, or is Eva Longoria even more bull-legged after allegedly hooking up with Tommy Lee?
I am so in love with Brandon Flowers.
lb, is it possible for Eva to be more bull-legged?
Patsy, absolutely. The night before they had blocks of videos just so they could say they played them, I think.
Poor Hammer, but hopefully he got paid for his performance, at least enough to pay back rent and byu some ramen noodles.
ok...how is there even a choice there??? family guy was it from the beginning...no way was i going to watch that...i do like kelly though
Wendi, trust me, Family Guy was on Justin's and my list from the beginning. But occasionally we get the urge to be nice, and our roomie wanted the Music Awards.
See what I got for being nice? It won't happen again.
I miised the awards. Do you know if MTV replays these things? God it was awful. Can't wait for new FG!
I was forced into watching a bit of that tripe. Luckily I was drunk and it was much easier to ignore the horridness of it all. MTV has (big surprise) completely gone down the sh*tter.
You're right, very ironic that "Diddy" didn't call MC Hammer "Hammer". I might changed my name to "the blogger formally known as bsoholic". Wouldn't that be cool? Eh, probably not.
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