To the co-worker who said my "good morning" reply didn't sound enthusiastic: Where's the rule that says I have to be enthusiastic? Wasn't it enough that I said good morning to you at all? And maybe I wasn't enthused to see you, why do you think you are so special?
To the tree trimmers: You can't change the "No parking - Tree Trimming on Friday" signs to Thursday, on Thursday morning, and then have the police start towing cars. Well, okay you can, and did, but that's ridiculous, and Justin promptly got the police officer involved and explained that the signs were changed this morning. Are you that behind schedule, or are you just jerks who think we can all afford to pay the towing company $150 to have our car returned? If I ever see your car or your tree trimming vehicle illegally parked, you know I am will call to have it towed now.
To the Exact Change Cafeteria Woman who hates anything but exact change. You don't even have to figure out the change, the register tells you, and that is why you were hired. Don't be lazy. And yes, I gave you the hundred dollar
bill the other day on purpose, I was thinking of you when I asked for it at the bank. And I will take a penny from the "Take a penny, leave a penny" any time I freaking want to, that's what it is there for.
To the conventient store worker who applied to work at my place of employment, I was not personally responsible for you not being hired. Quit giving me nasty looks and crappy service, just because you didn't pass the interview. If I had known you would act this way, I would have said something to keep you from being hired, I can do that.
There, I feel a little better now. Thanks for listening/reading. The next post will be happier. (Or at least I intend for it to be, now. Things may change, check your local listings.)
FFF's (full frontal fingers) all around.
Read my post on suppressed impulses ; sounds like you did a lot of that today.
GREAT post to read! Holding muh belleh.
SG, yes! thats ir exactly. Thats why I think I love you so much, you totally get me.
Your suppressed post made my morning. Which is amazing, because I haven't had coffee yet. Don't worry, it's brewing now.
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