Friday, August 19, 2005


If you like random facts, like this one:

The U.S. population spends more than $10 billion on temporary tattoos.

And you don't need any proof it's correct, check the gullible info site out. It has some facts that made me chuckle, like 18 percent of licensed drivers say they don't know how to parallel park. (Which I think is a little low, now that I live in the city and watch people try to paralell park outside of my house.


Spinning Girl said...

Hi, I followed your post on Casual Fri to get here.

I once went to a tattoo parlor to have them apply a lick-on stick-on tattoo for me. I did it for laughs. I didn't get any.

Bobby said...
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Bobby said...

I have a friend who has just started working at a tattoo place, and the sense of humor there is definately... uh, different. Although I want to know how much they would have charged to apply it.