2. Wondered briefly if anyone cares anymore that I am using the Bobby's World logo without written express permission from it's owners. (I sometimes broadcast baseball games without permission as well, but don't tell.)
3. Explained to someone what the snorkels were and
why the snorkels weren't considered "nasty" when I was a kid.
4. Resented fact that that the only crazy thing Rugby Mike did after we moved in was to call himself Rugby Mike.
5. Wondered if the new person moving in will have their own nickname for themself. I am hoping for someone who puts "Fun" in front of their name, like "Fun Jack" or "Fun Lisa". But they better be fun.
6. Spent time for a few friends playing therapist, which has no where near the enjoyment factor as playing doctor.
7. Realized I couldn't be a therapist, apparently I was born with no empathy. I could be a pet psychiatrist though. I think I would be good at that.
8. Decided I couldn't live in an apartment building with a shared porch. I want the ability to tell people to get the hell off of my porch when I am done with them.
Thanks Cass. That is definately a better highlight of my day than the ones I listed.
I used to love 'Bobby's World'! Whatever happened to Howie Mandel?
Sad that I know this, but in addition to his guest appearance on Celebrity Poker this past week, he has a new Bravo show which looks like a Bizarre Howie-ized version of Punk'd.
He's going places, I tell you.
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