Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Quit teasing and just google me, baby.

Quiz: Bobby hasn't been posting as much lately because:
a. he finally started working.
b. he ran out of food money and doesn't have the energy to type
c. nothing interesting has happened
d. he's been lazy.

I'll give you a moment to think the answer over....

The answer is, unfortunately, d. I haven't started working yet, but tomorrow I have the best interview yet. I did run out of food money, but still have a little energy left. And tons of interesting stuff has happened, So, yes, I have been lazy. And to keep with the lazy trend, lets look at some of the search stuff that's brought people to my blog.

1. Curly Fro HHmm, I looked and looked, and couldn't figure out why I was listed for this one, except for the post about Justin Guarini from American Idol. Must be that.
2. Bobby Needs.... Apparently, there are other Bobby's out there searching for what they need, like we did a while back in a post. I hope they find what they are looking for....
3. Constant Erection This was due to the post you can find on the right side menu, in tribute to Madman and the disgusting girl he worked with. Did anyone ever hear what happened to him? And no, my site doesn't actually help you with attaining a constant erection, or getting rid of one. (I guess if you read long enough, you could lose your erection, who knows?
4. Fiona Apple This was due to my "I hate Fiona Apple" post, so if any fans come here, I don't like her. Scroll through the archives if you need to know why.
5. Kids say the darndest things...Barbie This was due to my Fat Barbie post, about Justin's sister and her son, who did say the darndest thing. I just didn't know anyone said the word "darndest" anymore.
6. Autobiographies Erik Estrada This one amazes me almost as much as the Justin Guarini fan site. I mean, yes, Erik Estrada did an amazing job on Chips, but I didn't realize anyone would want to read a whole book about him.

So that's about it for now, except for one small installment of Bobby Needs, which I saw when the google search came up for it....
Bobby Also needs....
.....Food. (Yes, I am hungry.)
.....to check his email fast. (I just did, and nothing was there. Teases.)
.....a family with plenty of patience (Yes, that's so true.)
..... to play a little Bump and Jump to easy his soul. (Hell yes. Now, what exactly is "Bump and Jump?" Is it a euphemism?)
.....to shut the f*ck up (Okay, geez. That's a little harsh, and it ain't gonna happen.)
.....to look out for government agents (Uh oh, what the hell?)
.....to be told the teacher is not going to fight with him. (Spinning Girl? You're not going to fight with me?)
This last one is my absolute favorite.

Bobby's needs are pretty basic: He sleeps, eats, cries, poops,and gazes uncomprehendingly at the world around him.

That is so true.


Bobby said...

Forgive me if my responses are slow, I will either be sleeping, eating, crying, pooping, or gazing uncomprehendingly at the world around me.

LBseahag said...

curly fros...must be napoleon dynamite fans...let's hope!

Bobby said...

I don't think I have ever talked about Napoleon. Oops, now I will get hit for sure, now that we mentioned him twice. Let's stir up some more trouble by saying, "I did not like Napoleon Dynamite."

Really, i felt like I had wasted my time watching it, and only found a few minutes entertaining.

Ritmeyer said...

Try watching it again. The first time I was confused, was it set in the eighties? Why are they dancing to the backstreet boys when this is clearly set in the eighties because no one would dress like that who wasn't in that decade. But then I watched it again...and loved it. Oh well, sorry you are so damn lazy.

Spinning Girl said...

I'm a lover, not a fighter. And I do have a constant erection when I visit this site. A mental erection! And ... well, maybe a mini real one.

How do you find out what search terms people use to find your site? Teach me, please.

Thank you.

You are dismissed. Don't forget your homework tomorrow or I'll sit ya in the corner again.

Bobby said...

Ritmeyer, if I ever stop being lazy, I will try watching it again, as long as there is nothing else on, or if I am not busy sleeping, eating, crying, pooping, or gazing uncomprehendingly at the world.

SG, if you put the sitemeter on your site (the logo is at the very bottom of my main page, that site will give you some basic HTML to install it. And once it's there, you can click Referring Sites and it will open up the world to you. It's awesome.

And I did my homework, so no punishments! (Nobody puts bobby in the corner!) Anyone remember the movie that is sorta from?

ghartstein said...

I looked at keywords that brought people to me...among them have been, "naked neighbor", "Bandini Mountain" and various incarnations of "Mary and Villi". The strangest was "How do you make a mountain with a brush in a painting?" I'm not sure WHAT the hell that has to do with my blog? MSN search is a trip!

Spinning Girl said...

Dirty Dancing!!!!
Dirty Dancing!
Dirty Dancing!

I don't have Tourette's, I'm answering your question.

kimberlina said...

*gazes uncomprehendingly at the world*

i'm right there with you. so there.

wait, what?

Sherri Sanders said...

madman started a new blog, this one is nothing like his old one, however. It's a music type blog, but very cool. He hasn't had any recent updates because of a family tragedy, but I have him listed in my links list.