Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Anne Rice's Menopausal Breakdown

First off, before anyone accuses me of being anti-Anne Rice, I have read most of the vampire books, a few other of her books, and enjoyed them for the most part. Yes, she gets long winded, but so does Stephen King. That doesn't mean they can't tell a good story when they want to. So, yes, I liked Anne. I really did, even her last vampire related book was a nice book to read while on vacation. And also don't accuse me of any anti-menopausal. So let's move on.....

Now, as I start to rant about her latest endeavor, I admit up front, I have not read it. I am not criticizing her writing style, her use of metaphors, etc. I am criticizing her enlarged ego perhaps, her folly to think no one else has ever thought about doing this type of thing (they have, but had better judgement than you did anne.) Anne's latest book is about Jesus. Not another biblical study, no, but a fictional account with historical stuff thrown in to make her sound like she wrote the fictional parts accurately as well.

She has the ability to do it, and doesn't need the money anymore, so I guess she either has gotten an extrememly inflated ego, which I have heard she does, or she is going insane. I am not a religious fanatic or anything. I just think she could have found another subject, and I don't believe all of her "It was time to do this." or "I've been moved to write this" crap, I think she knew it would generate controversy, and she wanted to do it. Period.

If it sells well, will the sequel be about God? Or the continuing adventures of Jesus' family? Who knows? I don't even think Anne does. She has already had one of the vampires go to Heaven and talk to angels, so I guess her sequel could be about Jesus' adventures in Heaven and what He has been up to since we last heard from him.



Dani said...

I dunno... I read the review on Amazon, and it actually seems like it might be pretty interesting. I once read a book (total fiction, of course) about how Mary and Joseph were dating and then she got knocked up and it was God's baby and no one believed her and so on and so forth. It was a good read. Maybe this will be too. Read it and let me know ;-)

Doggie Extraordinaire's Mom said...

I think there comes a time in the career of a fading icon when they have to reinvent themselves (like Madonna) to stir up the remaining fans and make the rest of the world talk about them. Anne Rice had her day, and she reigned supreme. Bram Stoker couldn't tell vampire stories better. Not only will I pass on buying the book, but I'll pass on reading it for free at the library, and I'll preclude myself from future discussion about a woman who just couldn't get enough of herself, so she had to change her image and try to do it all again. ...sigh...

S.Klassen said...

Sometimes a writer just has to quit while there ahead. I understand that sometimes their contractually obliged to write so many books over so much time. Yet I don't think it's fair to a reader when they just spit out junk in order to fulfill these needs. Perhaps I'll borrow a copy from the library one day and check it out, but I feel no need to rush out and buy it.

Bobby said...

I'm just waiting for the protests. I mean, Phelp's gang protests everything, where is he now?

But seriously, I don't think I could read this one, Anne's books "based on history" get a little boring for me. And even though it's Jesus, she will spend 45 pages describing the manger, and I will get bored.

Kristi said...

It sounds intriguing.

Anne Rice seems to like to explore different subject matter in her novels. Anyone read her Beauty series? Wow. Talk about sex. It was loosely based on the tale of Sleeping Beauty.

Bobby said...

Kristi, I didn't read those, I did read exit to eden. (the movie, loosely based on the book, was nothing like the book though.) and it was good.

If I am ever stranded someplace, DMV or stuck in an elevator and the book is there, I guess I will read it.

FRITZ said...

Bobby--I agree with you on this. After the Davinci Code, everyone and their mother is thinking about Jesus and his family. Or sexual explorations. Or wardrobe. Whatev.

Anne Rice is truly eccentric, anyway. And if this turns out to be anywhere as parenthetical as 'Violin', I would just have to scream in agony.

Why don't more people write about Satan? I think he's a lot more interesting.

Um, this is a fiction book about Jesus you MUST read: "LAMB: the gospel of Christ according to his childhood pal, Biff" by Christopher Moore. You'll laugh every ten minutes or so, I promise.

Dani said...

Okay, thanks Lipsticklulu! There's no WAY I'm reading it now. Jesus in a sex scene is wayyyy too much for my poor Lutheran sensiblities ;-)

Bobby said...

Fritz, now that actually sounds good, I will have to read it.

Jo, I agree, even without being Lutheran. (Not that I have anything against Lex Luther or anything.)