Let's take a look at this for a minute. Free means no charge, no cost, etc.
Extra free would mean.... what exactly? If I told you I will give you a chair for free, you would take the chair and that would be it. If I told you the chair was "extra free", wouldn't that imply that you are getting something more than just the chair for no charge? Like, maybe I will deliver it for you? Or include a prize? Something, oh, I don't know, extra?
Is it just me, or does this bother anyone else? This post is basically free for you to read, if I said it was "extra" free, what would you expect extra? Someone to walk into your computer room and read it to you? I don't know, so I wouldn't advertise this post as "extra free", just free. (Minus the time you wasted reading it, the electricity for the computer, etc.)
Ok, done ranting for now. And by the way, the weird cat has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with this post, just another freaky picture I found.
"extra free" could mean that you get something free in the parallel universe!
that does annoy me too...
Banks hire the really shitty avertising/marketing firms that no one else wants...
Im sick of these billboards we have where each one has a different person on it, and it says, "Bank of Anita" and "Bank of Todd"
guess when you are advertising to joe pulic, who has no money, this is what happens...piss poor marketing...
My bank has taken on a new twist. Every time you make a transaction, they give you a little pamplet that shows really great 'free' gifts. How do you receive the free gift? You need to convince a person you know to open an account with my bank and, btw, they must also fill out the questionaire on the back of the pamplet. All I can say is, LAME!
It's because most advertising "creative" ( and I use that term very, very loosely)people have only a passing knowledge of English grammar. They love oxymorons, with the emphasis being on -moron .
It is clear that we are so over loaded by commerce and capitolism that FREE just isnt enough.
what is sad though is I wonder how many people went for it, thinking to themselves, 'well, extra free, i mean, thats gotta be great'
That is some sad shit! Everone does free checking and so you know some dumb ass is thinking "Wow, my bank only has free checking and this bank has EXTRA free checking..."
Now I'm very stuck on the idea of extra free blogging and will wait for someone to come read the rest of the post to me. And describe the freaky picture in detail, cuz that should be part of extra free blogging.
Extra free comment: I'm glad I am not the only one annoyed by this. I actually asked one of the tellers what the extra part was.
apparently it is a blank stare of incomprehension.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
That's the dumbest bank lingo I've ever heard.
Free Response: I know those marketing people, they were poppin tabs with me at UT in '99.
Extra Free Response: I had Wells Fargo in college and I had overdrafted by $11. The next paycheck I got, I took it to the bank to cash it. They said they couldn't cash it cause I owed them $11. So, ok, I told them just take it out of the check and give me the rest [it was i think a $230 check]. They said they couldn't give me any money or cash my check cause I didn't have any money in the bank. GRRRRRRR.. I HAVE A CHECK IN MY HAND. I AM HERE TO GIVE YOU MONEY. CASH MY FRIGGIN CHECK YOU REJECT! They didn't.
The cat photo has everything, EVERYTHING to do with my cat's face at 4 am today. Ugh.
perhaps its so extra free that its uncomprehensible. it couldn't possibly be more free...........these go to 11!..
Unfortunately, this is the bank I use. I may have to change, and tell them why.
Kris, sorry about your cat.
Extra free... Extra free... hmmm...
Like a 2for1 Hollywood Boulevard hooker deal?
I think I'm confused.
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