Let's move from irony to the word surreal.
surreal adjective
1 dreamlike, surreal
resembling a dream; "night invested the lake with a dreamlike quality"; "as irrational and surreal as a dream"
So there's the offical definition. I experience the surreal feeling in my life quite often, usually in short spurts. Sometimes it last longer. Which brings up the story of Felipe, the Indian/Native American from the Village People, let's chat a little about what he is up to lately. This is all true, he lives in my hometown now. At the beginning of summer, Justin and I were at at bar we go to once in a while, and ran into Felipe, the Indian. Now, I had heard people say, "Look, there's the Indian from the Village People." but thought they just meant he looked like him, or he had dressed like him for Halloween once or something. I had no idea, until that night, it was the indian from the Village People. So, Justin talks to him, and I speak with someone who appears to be with him, either a date, or a friend, or as I would find out a little later, a husband. So, after we all had been introduced, Justin went to get more drinks, and the Indian's partner went to the bathroom.
The following is an example of why my life feels so surreal sometimes, and while it is not word for word, it is pretty close....
Indian: So, Justin is pretty hot.
Me: Thanks. I get this a lot, so I don't take offense, or get jealous, etc.
Indian: What do you think of my partner? Oops, I guess ettiquette should have made me compliment his partner, who was nice, and relatively cute....
Me: Oh, he's cute, and seems very nice.
Indian: Yes, he's very hot.Not what I said, but drinks have been had, I can be nice, so I nod.
We talk about random things for a few minutes, me waiting desparately for Justin to get back with my bourbon shot.
Indian: So, how would you like to trade some weekend?
I was completely lost....
Me: Trade? Drinks? Yes, my mind was on my drink, so that's all I could think of.
Indian: Partners. He has obviously made this offer before, as he said this very casually.
Me: Uh, we don't really do that.
Indian: You should, it's fun.
For who? For once I said something in my head instead of outloud.
Me: Well, if we ever do, you will be first on my list to call.
Indian: We could all hang out at....
I really expected him to say YMCA at this point, and was very disappointed when he didn't.
...our house sometime. Get in the hot tub, have some drinks, trade off.
Trying to end this with a little humor, and remember I was drinking, I said:
Me: We're really busy right now, we're heading west, joining the Navy, but we'll call you if we get some spare time. Ok, not the funniest thing in the world, and he's probably heard versions of song title jokes all of his life, but I wanted this to be over.
Indian: You're hot, too. Maybe....
I cut it off at this point, and used the whole "I'll be back, I have to go get my drink." excuse and left.
About an hour later, after I had gotten this all out of my head, YMCA came on over the club's speakers. I couldn't get that freaking song out of my head for the whole weekend. Yes, our life is pretty bizarre and surreal sometimes, and this is only one example. But it does keep things interesting. But isn't that whole thing really like some dream you would have?
You so need your own reality show..or porn...
was he trying to hump justin's leg under the table?
this cracked me up...i actually have a posting for tomorrow about the village people...
can you get me an autograph?
Reality show/porn? Either one pays....
I will be visiting tomorrow then, have to see what else the Village People are up to...
Yes. I can get you an autograph, he would be more than willing to have Justin pay for it somehow, if he isn't egotistical enough to do it for free.
The idea of trading always cracks me up. As do threesomes. I have visions of Boogie Nights with bad 70s decor, a smoke-engulfed room, and many ugly naked bodies undulating lake a rough sea. And I start laughing. Must be why I haven't been invited to the Playboy Mansion yet. Yeah, that's got to be it.
this did not happen.
this is too f+++ing bizarre to have happened.
i know this really happened, and that is why i am holding my stomach.
omg, swapping with the Indian.
That is just craZAYzy.
On a side note ... who knew the Village People are gay?!?!?!?!
DO you & Justin ever accept sponge baths from women? Not counting that time in the hospital. Just curious. No reason.
Librarian, me too.
SG, another weird part is that a few of our friends didn't think that story was weird at all.
Yes, sponge baths are enjoyable from women as well. :)
Dream??? Is it like some dream?????
Hell no!!
In MY dream, it's Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz....
NoT the INdiAN from YMCA!!!
1.Okay, that is just hilarious. FUNNY STORY. The 'Native American from the Village People' is into partner trading.
2. I am not one for tact and never have been. I've been searching through your archives for the answer and I have not found it, so I'm just coming right out and asking:
Are you gay?
That asked, please know that it's
None of my business
Rather in poor taste to ask on the comment section.
oh, and of course:
I don't ask in a negative way.
I'm simply curious.
If I have opened up my mouth and swallowed my foot, let, and buttock, I apologize immensely.
Somehow appropriatley, the word ver is : vxmex
Vixen Mexican?
I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty, and...Hey! Time to answer some comments....
Damasta, I didn't say a good dream. In fact, it was very much a bad dream.
Fritz, really? Not one for tact? Heh, just playing. I'm kind of playing "smithers", you know, is he or isn't he? I am sorry you had to go through the archives, only the last couple of months have anything remotely worth reading.
Heather, apparently not the only one. And hopefully it added a new exciting twist.
Oh, you total shit. That is SO unfair. Or, wait.
Are you playing smithers because you don't know, or because you like people like me (ie: tactless, nosy, and outright rude) to suffer?
The missing last word from the first line of my comment is the answer.
Mr Burns: Smither, how do you feel about letting a woman onto the boat?
Smither: Women and Sea men don't mix, sir.
That's one of my favorite lines from Treehouse of Terror.
This is by far the funniest post I have ever read in the history of the blog world. And regardless of your "smithers"-- or rather, YMCA status, I have (and will) continue with my Bobby fantasties!
I went to see Cher and the Village People (my mom had an extra ticket)-- you want to talk about a surreal experience...
I was the only person (sober) under 50 on the floor. The Village People rocked, Cher sucked.
Serena, thanks, and regardless of my status, I will continue my serena fantasies, too.
I only saw Cher on TV, and wasn't all that impressed. But i WON'T go see the Village People, ever. I've had enough of them.
The Indian from Village People is gay!? Damn! I thought he was the only straight one! :o))
Good story Bobby, one for the memoires.
So, if you did decide to trade and he wanted his partner back before the task was completed, would that make him an Indian giver?
That would be pretty fucking surreal. I can't say I've ever walked into a bar and had that happen.
Alistair, heh, I loved when people stared trying to guess which were straight and which were gay. I still don't know, except for one anyway.
Kristi, I can't believe I missed using that joke in there somewhere. Good catch!
And count yourself lucky if that never happens to you.
DUH! Now I get it.
DUH DUH DUH. You know, I honestly had to THINK really hard to figure out WHAT Maria sings right there. I was like
...skinny? No, that's not it.
...facist? Nope.
...gay? Gay? Is that it? "I feel witty and titty and blah blah...and gay!
Jesus I'm dumb. all right, thank you for answering. Sheesh.
You're a fuckin' hoot, is what you are.
i thought the indian was straight, too....and kind of cute.
so much for that.
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