Do you believe in karma? I have my doubts sometimes, like right now, when I need some good karma. But sometimes I know for a fact it exists, and I am going to share an example. One of Justin's three sisters, "Barbie", likes to remind us once in a while how we are going to hell and we should read our Bible to see that she's right, all gay people are going to hell. (We're calling her Barbie, not as a compliment, but because she's fake. Fake personality, fake breasts (not that there's anything wrong with that), and she tries to dress classy, but it comes out as being trashy. Anyway, she has three children now. She was going to stop at two, but one of the other sisters had their second child, so she had to have another, to make three, so she would have the most.
Seriously. The middle child, a son, is 5 years old. (Remember his age.) Two things happened recently, that prove to me that karma exists. Her 5 year old son walked into a treehouse of another child, put his hand on his hip, and said, "This place could use some homey touches." (Yes, I know kids say the darndest things sometimes, but come on.) Then, last week, the children were in the car, Justin goes to say hi, and sees the son watching the television in the car. Justin asks, "What are you watching? Bob the Builder? Dora?" to which the boy replied, "I
was trying to watch The Gilmore Girls and enjoy it."
The Gilmore girls? At five years old? His choice? Come on, I think karma is going to give Barbie a gay son. And while slightly enjoying this fact, yes, it is sad, as Justin and I already know we will probably end up giving this boy a place to live if his parents ever find out. But it's still a little funny.
Sorry for my recent mini-vacation, and thanks for the emails of concern. I am back, doing okay, and will be catching up on all of your lives as well.
Hell yeah. I totally beleive in karma. My uncle is a rough and tough sports buff and I think he is going to be hella embarrassed when he finds out his son is gay.
I love the word "Hella".
I used it for a week straight just to annoy people. It was hella fun.
Glad to see you're back, I was beginning to worry.
Good to have you back. Karma is a bitch, but even a bitch can be nice if you treat her right!
I work part time as a server, a profession that holds a lot of stock in karmic happenings.
Karma is good to me.
BTW--this subject wasn't inspired by Earl was it?
Homey touches.
The Gilmore Girls.
Hell is probably a lot more fun and cozy than heaven.
Hee Hee. His mom is gonna be so pwned!
Good to see you back.
Nice...Wasn't barbie's cousin PJ a lesbian? The one I owned was...actually she had a torrid affair and multiple 69s with my Strawberry Shortcake doll...
I will keep my fingers crossed he is gay...one more male to add to the world means better fashion, cosmetics, and better quality sheets at Target...
Sherri, thanks.
Kristi, Earl? The TV show? I haven't gotten to see it yet, so no. Is it good?
Madge, heh, probably so.
Alistair, his mom's reaction will be worth it someday, and thanks.
LB, I think so. And I had a gay Ken, but someone stole it, when it became a collector's item.
This is fab-u-lous! I want to hang out with this kid and if ever needed, Skywalker and I will adopt him. Bible beating judgemental fools deserve the karma bitch slap!
Karma is so much fun when it works like that!
Someone needs to write that gilmore girls comment in his baby book. That is hysterical.
Ah, I've wondered about karma many times. Does it exist?
No. If you don't believe me, consider all the jerkoffs who are sucking high on the tit and NEVER get their comeuppance.
And just walk through a children's ICU ward at any hospital. What did these kids do wrong? Nothing.
Baby J, they won't put it into his baby book, but it's here on the blog, heh heh.
Lightning Bug, I don't pretend to know why Karma works and why it doesn't work all the time, but it's there sometimes.
How awesome would that be?!?!? Buy him a Cher album just to push things along. I'll send you one; I love that chick.
I am pretty sure between Justin and I we have a few extra Cher CD's. Great idea though, all of his gifts will now be subtle gay gifts. Heh heh....
Oh, I hope he starts playing 'doctor' really early. Silly woman.
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