I haven't shared stories from my apartment building, but that's all changing now. Eden, our 3rd floor neighbor, was asked out on a first date by a nice guy and she said yes. She dressed up, they met, and he took her to....
his college dining hall. Wait, it gets better though. First, let me point out that while Eden is going to college, she is also a Coast Guard reservist, she works, etc. and in no way can be considered "a full time college kid." She's a woman. So, on to the better part. Being a better person than I, she stayed for the date, they selected their food, and her date paid with his meal card.
His meal card. I'll pause a minute, because if you are anything like me, you are at least mildly chuckling.
I didn't know at first who to feel more sorry for, Eden, who had to put up with this, or the guy, who has hopes of wooing a date by taking her to the dining hall on his meal card. I decided I felt sorrier for Eden. But if that guy, or other guys like him happen across my blog, please don't do this. Ever.
Oh my! There are no words. No words...
so THATS what i've been doing wrong all these years with chicks man!!
things NOT to do on a date:
1. get a car, so i don't have to take my dates on the city bus.
2. don't take date to college dining hall
3. pay with real money and not with "meal card."
4. don't try to put tongue in date's mouth immediately after leaving the college dining hall (or any "meal" venue).
okay! i should see some level of improvement out of this! wish me luck.
If she don't want him, I'll take him!
1)Free food! All three meals! And they usually have Taco Bells in the food courts at most major universities!
2)Access to beer bongs...on Tuesday nights!
3)Hot dormmates and close living quarters=accidental threesome
4)If you get sick of him, just wait til finals! You are scott-free!
Hey, don't knock the meal card. He can buy condoms with the meal card. I know. I did.
Jinxy - Ahh...late night meal card induced Taco Bell binges...brings back memories...
Its always the right time for a mexican pizza, taco supreme, and a large mountain dew!
This is so, but so sad. I'm shaking my head at the moment.
That is really sad and yet ... in a way ... so sweet. It is just so cute. And so sad. I'm sort of at a loss for powerful adjectives today, so I'll just stick to the old reliables: Sad. Sweet. Cute. Sad.
I miss meal cards...ok I miss my parents paying for shit! Being a big girl sucks.
That date, wow. I love it.
Jinxy - Damn straight! I thought it was absolutely fabulous when they brought back the Encherito.
Ritmeyer - I feel ya, chick. Being a big girl does suck! Wait. What am I talking about? My parents are paying for dinner tonight! Woo hoo!
Ok, I do agree some free meals would be nice. Especially if they are "extra free", but not on a first date.
Especially without warning.
Poor girl.
This completely tops getting taken on a first date who pays with a coupon for one free meal. Much more special. Oy!
when I didn't have the money to take a girl on a fab date, I'd get creative...but the college food hall?! Come ooooon!
Pardon me. I must change my Depends undergarment now.
do they have machines for condoms and other *cough cough* intimate supplies over there?
OMG! Was he at least cute?
The worst first date I ever had I threw up on myself at the county fair. Ugh!!!!! Can you believe this guy married me anyway??
You know, if she played her cards right, she' could've gotten a tour of his dorm room!
You know...he really could be onto something.
If she agreed to go out with him again after that date, she maybe really liked him. He could weed out a lot of shallow girls that way.
I would have faked something and walked out I think. Dorm food sucks.
im glad you paused after the meal card part cause i WAS indeed chucking! what would have been great was if he was over his limit and his meal card was declined and he had to run over to some friend at another table and borrow THEIR mealcard. SCORE!!
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