My mother in law would kill me for saying this, but Dr. Phil is just taking over
way too much. Today, at the hospital, a group of children walked by with their mom. Two of the boys in the group were hanging back a bit, so they could have their 8 or 9 year old boy conversation without their mom overhearing.
Or so I thought. To my astonishment, one boy looks at the other and says, verbatim, "I believe the problem is indicative of a behavioural issue on their part." and then the other boy said "Or a social issue that stems from...." and I couldn't hear anymore, without following them and looking really creepy. I guess they
could have just been child geniuses, or really really smart, but I have the feeling their mom makes them watch Phil and they were just repeating something they heard. It would have made me feel a lot better if they had just been talking about yucky girls and cooties and stuff.
Yep, sounds like Philism regurgitation alright.
can you pass the cootie spray, please.
I think it is great that these boys are so in touch with their feelings. Where they in the hospital because REAl little boys beat the living shit out of them?
Who is Dr. Phil? Seriously...never heard of the dude, but he sounds totally anal retentive.
I seriously hate therapy. And any televised form of it burns me inside. I wish it were still socially acceptable to beat the shit outta whoever is causing you stress. Wham, Bam. It's done. Someone has a black eye, and you are burden-free again. Simple. Those were the days...
That kills me...even worse is that he is a republican....
I have a hard time accepting pearls of wisdom from a guy who looks like such a loser.
dr. phil just called me on my cell phone and said "what the hell were you thinkin'?"
what did i do?????
He kinda resembles meathead, doesn't he?
Kilburina, yes, that would have been more reassuring to me as well.
BabyJ, cootie spray coming your way.
Heather, oops, you already had the cootie spray handy. Thanks.
Ritmeyer, maybe THEY were in the hospital for therapy, and that explains it all. Or a head injury, who knows?
Lulu, sorry, are you a Phil-o-phile? Heh.
Alistair, Phil is Oprah's minion. You have to know who Oprah is, right?
Damasta, things were a lot less complicated when you could do that. Without being asked how that made you feel....
LB, I should have guessed that.
Sherri, if you have ever seen his "story" on television, not his version, he was basically a lucky loser.
Jamwall, I am sure Phil has some pearls of wisdom about people who share all of this info on blogs. I can't wait for that show. Maybe I can be a guest. Hey, I may not like him, but they pay airfare and hotel.
LB, yep. Heh. I should find a picture of Archie to go with Phil.
OPRAH!!! OPRAH IS DEVIL-SPAWN!! He is a servant of Beelzebub!!! Get the behind me!
bleah. I have a Phil post I've been working on; I'll do it as soon as I finish chapters 12-19 of "Relationship Rescue"!!!
isn't there a dr. phil lookalike who goes around making lewd comments to women?
now that's my kinda dr. phil!
You didn't hear anything like, "...put your balls back in her purse where they belong...did you? THAT would've been a definite indicator of too much Dr. Phil!
Take him out of that fancy suit and he looks like a any other person required to register under Megan's Law.
Didn't you talk about psychopathology and your neuroses at age 10? I mean, who didn't?
Craptastic. Oprah's next videospawn will be Rachel Ray in her own talk show. I wonder if they'll refuse to broadcast it in Canada. I've always wanted to live in Canada.
I put up the dr. phil post for ya. Go see.
okay...your vacation from blogging is up....come back, now!
its hard enought to put on that bald cap for every "dr. phil" i gotta do every day. i'm sick of giving these fucking losers advise every fucking day.
god i hate my alter ego!!!!!
i'm with the hag. come on down!
I completely loathe Dr. Phil. He's such a fake.
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