Monday, June 02, 2008

ok, the trial thing....

So a while back, (no, scroll down, I will not insert a link here, I am too lazy) I mentioned some of you may have seen me on the news, saying "no comment" about 5 times. The funny thing was, the reporter from the local news started to introduce himself, and I said, in a totally sarcastic voice,

"I know who you are. Big fan."

I ended up being featured in the news stations commercials, with some fast paced music playing, and me saying just "BIg Fan", and so many people saw it, argh.

Anyway, if you want to know what it was all about, click here. The woman in the mugshot is my sister in law. I may post the pic of the "man/boy" as well, since he is over 18 now and all, but who knows?

We made it back to Louisville, (right outside of it anyway) with only a tornado and thunderstorm warning to drive through, and are now job hunting at my Aunt's house.

Seriously, click the link, read the comments, they're funny. And I have better pics of her if we debate how "hot" she may be. (She's cute, but not super hot or anything.)

Oh, and sis in law, if you're readin this, your welcome for everything, thanks for telling me thank you, and thank you for being such a.... anyway, things are well and job hunting already, wish us luck everyone.


ghartstein said...

Where were those teachers when I was 17? Oh, banging the cool guys...

Good to see you back!

Spinning Girl said...

No comment.

Spinning Girl said...

:) just kidding. I am more excited about your celebrity than any "MILFs" married into your family.

Bobby said...

Thanks Mr. G.

SG, always good to hear from ya. And yes, I complained that I was on tv, but mainly because I was edited badly. (Did that sound bitchy??)