I found out from other kind bloggers that my Saturday post that disappeared wasn't a hallucination, it was a blogger error.
In that post, I explained the meaning of life, the key to happiness, how to find true love, and why platypuses exist.
Now, it's gone forever. Don't blame me, blame blogger.
My tooth, yet to be fixed, because the infection isn't gone, is freaking killing me. But I just found a new dentist that believes in pain management, so, hopefully they can help me tomorrow. Currently my pain management consists of xanax and bourbon, which works well at home. Not so well at work, though.
7 days left for them to meet my deadline at work to make me permanent. It's looking good, but you never know.
As for the answer to life, the universe, and everything, I will stick with Douglas Adams, and share with you the answer.
That is all. Except for my inspired use of a new word that Spinning Girl made me start using all of the time.
I figure between 42 and vajayjay, the answer has to be there somewhere.
I think I love you.
No, Seriously.
I have used "vajayjay" at least 15 times since you posted that on my blog and I blew soup out my nose.
Could you be more fucking awesome than you are?!?!? Doubt it.
is it a noun, a verb or an ajective???
What the vajayjay?
He's a vajayjay
Look at that vajayjay up there!
I can't count as high as 42....can you please change it to 24?
no, I detest Keifer Sutherland...how about 11?
Farkin' funny as hell!!
Screw the meaning of life...I want to know about platypuses dammit!
i had a roomate who was so convinced that the answer to life 23 that he got it tattooed on his arm. anytime it showed up anywhere (or any number devisible by it etc) he would only see that as proof of his answer. yikes.
See, I love the answer 42 and vajayjay. And platypusses are just big pussies that swim.
I'm back. I've missed you, my dear.
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