I got tagged.
In your Ipod: Happy Birthday Darling, by Conway Twitty.
In your Cd Player: 50 Cents, In da Club (It's your birthday.)
In your DVD Player: Mary Kate and Ashley's Birthday PartyHey, Justin's niece came over, and we watched it for her, really.
Last Snack you ate: Cake of some sort.
In your VCR: Capricorn One
Reading right now: It's my F---ing Birthday by Merrill Markoe.
That's it, a short tag without much of interest. Weird, but it got me thinking.
Thinking about people who were born on today's date, like Nicolas Cage. I once got free candy at the mall once because the guy asked me if I was related to Nicolas, I said yea, i'm his brother, and got free candy. Other people like Screech, from Saved by the Bell, Katie Couric, Keny Loggins, and almost as impressive as getting free candy, Erin Gray, from Buck Rogers!! She was born today, as well.
So, with lots of famous and interesting people, people who we love, born today, I thought that some pretty interesting things must have happened on today's date throughout history. And I made none of these up.
Bill Clinton's impeachment trial started on today's date in 1999.
Truman announces the US has developed a hydrogen bomb.
The Harlem Globetrotters played their first game in 1927, on today's date.
Motion Picture film was patended.
Pius V becomes Pope in 1566, and looks amazingly like the current Pope.
A cute little baby boy was born, who numerous years later would have a blog called Verbal Vomit.
So that's January 7. Let the bourbon drinking commence..... (who am I kidding? Let the bourbon drinking continue....)
Happy Birthday! I am so glad you were born! Thanks to Bobby's parents for screwing! Oh, sorry, that's probably not something you want to think about. Anyway, have a wonderful birthday!
thanks to your parents for screwing?
now there's a heck of a mental picture to be stuck with on your birthday.
(hope it was happy otherwise)
You need to give wayyyy more notice if you want presents!
I'll just send you an e-smooch.
Here it comes.
Get ready.
happy belated!
also, fyi - all popes are clones, didn't you know? it's their big secret, totally.
also, i think i passed your liver on the highway on the way back from work... if you want, i'll pick it up for you tomorrow if it's still in the area.
I lost so much money betting on the Washington Generals. I thought the odds were in their favor. Darn Globetrotters, every time with the moves that were not even legal. If I didn't know better, I would say those games were fixed.
HAppy belated birthday Bobby. What cool things to have happened on your birth date. And I still have fantasies about me and Erin Gray and 0 gravity sex....beedee beedee.
i like bourbon...congrats on the birthday! gold was first discovered in california on mine. yeah. can you hear the excitement?
Happy, thanks for the disturbing imagery. Thankfully, years and years (and dollars and dollars) of therapy have virtually erased any memories I have of my parents. Whew.
Lulu, thanks, the drinking seems to somehow carried over to this weekend as well....
Duff, I know right. But see my answer to Happy, I am safe. As long as those polaroids never surface.
SG, an esmooch from you is worth more than a physical present anyday.
Kimberlina, nah, my liver took off years ago, striking out on its own. I tried to convince it to stay, it just wasn't very happy in my body. Popes are clones? That all makes sense.
Casually, yes, I always rooted for the generals, which got me beaten up a lot.
Alistair, Erin Gray (in her day) is on my celebrity list.
Slutbag, you should get a cut of that somehow.
Damasta, woof was the right term. Right? ok ok, i never really watched arsenio that much, but the dog pound seems to ring a bell.
Thanks to all for the bday wishes.
HAppy Birthday!!!
I have been on blog hiatus...sorry...
How did I not see this?
Happy Birthday Bobby!
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