Saturday, May 29, 2010

Flash Fiction Friday?

Long time readers will remember Flash Fiction Friday, where a sentence, or open ended sentence was posted on a Friday, and by Sunday, your mission was to write a short story with the sentence as the opener. You were then to post it to your blog, and then post a link to it on the Flash Fiction Friday blog.

It is gone now. (Unless someone can tell me otherwise.) I'm looking for another site, similar, or looking for people interested in starting one somewhere else.

I don't care so much for the rules. It could be Flash Fiction Tuesday. It could be "Write a story on Thursday". Whatever. I just thought it was a cool creative outlet, and it was fun seeing the widely different ways someone could take one sentence and run with it.

If you know where one exists, let me know.
If you would like to participate in a new one, let me know.
If you could care less, let me know, I still like to hear from you, and care about your feelings.
If you are hot and single, send me a pic and your phone number.

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