Monday, February 02, 2009


My new job, is, uh, interesting. I am managing at a huge convenient store with a food area and other stuff. Working with the public again has reminded me how, uh, interesting, people can be. As sampled below....

Customer: Can you make my footlong sub into thirds? We're going to split it.
I don't know why people feel like they owe you an explanation when they ask for something, I really don't care if Aunt Sara and Uncle Joe are splitting your sandwich with you, but anyway....

Employee: Sure! So you want each 4 inch wrapped separately! No problem.

Customer: No no no! I don't want three 4 inches, I want the footlong cut into THIRDS!

Employee: Trying not to laugh... So, you're twelve inch sub should be cut into thirds, making three 4 inch subs?

Customer: Looking confused and trying to put the two facts together. Finally, a grim look of determination on their face. No. Please just give me my footlong cut into thirds.

The employee sighs and agrees.....

So that's someone who can't do math. Here's an example of just a slow, slow person. I thought these people just got off on making people work, and some of them might, but some are just too slow to put more than one thing together at a time.

Customer: " a pack of marlboros please." They usually don't say please, but ok....

Employee walks and picks up a pack of marlboros.

Customer: "No, Marlboro lights."

Employee sighs and gets marlboro lights, thinking maybe they didn't hear the "Light" part before.

Customer sees employee pick up marloboro lights. "No, Marlboro Light MENTHOL"

Employee pauses, waiting for anything else to be added. The customer stares blindly at the counter. Employee picks up Marlboro light MENTHOL and brings back to the counter, rings it up, and tells the customer the price.

Customer: "I wanted 100's."

Employee ponders briefly killing the customer, of finding a new job, of where their life went horribly wrong, and picks up a pack of Marlboro Light Menthol 100's.

So, a small sampling of the wonderful customers. But it gets better, there are also interesting employees, policeman, district managers, and more. Look for the Shenaniganz posts everytime someone amuses me, pisses me off, or makes me laugh in their face.


Happy Villain said...

I think I've met those people, too!

It's so good to have you back!

Spinning Girl said...

You need to start a separate blog just for this type of story. That's how Waiter Rant made all the big bucks!!!

WV: "squarba"