Sunday, October 25, 2009

Everything Bytes

A post of total randomness that may get tied together at the end, or may not.

1. I frickin love my iphone. I will never be bored at Dmv, or anywhere again. Everyone should get one, now. Thanks.

2. Work is okay except my new manager doesn't like giving us our two days off in a row. So my days off are random, and never together. And my day off tomorrow consists of a two hour meeting right in the middle of being off. Seriously disrupting my drinking time.

3. You never know how much you love hot water until you don't have it. Co0ld showers suck. And no matter how much you try to grin and bear it, ice cold water is painful.

4. Apartment hunting with "questionable" credit is difficuly. Thanks to my ex for helping assist me in ruining my credit.

5. Thank you life for letting me get a new number when I got my iphone, as my ex now no longer has my number. Peace and quiet at last.

6. People are in general stupid. No story, just that.

7. Stopping on number seven. I have some OCD and hate odd numbers, (I can't stop reading a book on an odd numbered page, don't ask...) but seven is okay. I think because my birthday is on the seventh.

h. Yes, h. Because I hate formality and rules.

i. More later, meeting a casting director from the real world. No, not auditioning, apparently I am slightly older than their age limit. Just to chat.


Happy Villain said...

I'm sorry things byte, but I look so forward to your updates, and every single time someone jogs near me, I think of you and you heckling them and it makes me happy.

Also, Dude, why does your ex call you so much?

Spinning Girl said...

This delights me ... although I do notice that you followed with "H" in sequence, being the 8th letter ... so you like your ducks in a row after all, hmmmm?


Toy Piano-Man said...

Hey cous'

I have a newfangled bloggy thing. Return the intrawebz. I command thee.