I dont' want to jinx it or anything, but I think we just found a place to live, and could be living there tomorrow evening, or Saturday at the latest.
Unfortunately, this may mean a (hopefully) short lapse in my posting, as it will take a few weeks to get all the stuff hooked up in the new place.
It's not the greatest place in the world, but it has potential, and most importantly, it's a great price.
I haven't heard back about the job, but they said today or Friday, so let's just think they are carefully (and in awe) reviewing my resume and deciding to hire me on the spot.
Its really close to Justin's job, which is great because I think I will be working about 15 minutes away, (unlike my previous 45 minute commute). So once again, everyone keep their fingers crossed please, and I will update when I can. And read your blogs when I can. And hopefully my next post will be so full of happy crap that you will just be envious as hell. Ok, at least you'll be happy of hearing my whine, and I can start bitching about things that really matter, like WalMart employees who call me fat (I'm not, not that there's anything wrong with that), angry joggers (remember that whole thing), or inappropriate erections (go through the archives, it's there, but don't say I didn't warn you when I say you probably don't want to read it.)
Hope it all comes together! You're close - almost there!
And with regard to most Walmart employees and calling people fat....can you say, "Hi Pot, meet Kettle"?
Oh, I know what the employer is doing. They're playing the game. They're like a bad date, trying to calculate how long is the right length of time to wait to call you so you don't think they're needy. Players. *eye roll*
Yay about the home. Hopefully you'll have joggers there, too, so you can make fun of them in future posts. I miss the miserable jogger posts.
Place to live - got it.
Needs fixing up - yes, but ok.
Job - still waiting.
Moving - tomorrow.
posting again - who knows?
Don't forget mannequins.
I heart you!!!!!!!
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