Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Life is a highway....

MY last post ended with....

Life is an adventure, and I am riding it along right now.....

Now, Justin and I are coasting. The deadline(s) are looming, and oh, did I mention Justin ended up hospitalized Friday evening, and is still there now? Makes it a little hard to get jobs, look for a place, etc. (and keep an eye on the dog at my friend's house who is moving this weekend.)

Life is now not so much an adventure, but a scary ride where you aren't driving, you have no idea where you're being taken, and you feel shit out of luck.

He may be getting out tomorrow, but the doctor hasn't come today yet, so who knows....? I will try to keep you posted, at least until Friday where I lose my connect to the internet for a while again, maybe, who knows for sure?

I picked a lousy time to stop sniffing glue. Coming soon, plenty of info on the hospital as soon as he's out.

1 comment:

Happy Villain said...

Yikes, Bobby, m'dear, you need some good luck sent your way. I'm sending you whatever I have and if I run into some lucky bastard on the street, I'm going to mug him and take his luck and send it your way too. You're in my thoughts. Keep updating.