Friday, February 18, 2005

Due to no demands....

Ok, due to no demands whatsoever, except for a few people who I showed it to, the old green template is gone, as apparently it was hard to read. The new template, while still a putrid green color, has the posts area in white, so it should be easier on the eyes.

I can't do posts from home, as our roommate, the one that acts like an immature drunken 12 year old girl (no offense if you are one) hasn't hooked up the cable modem he has been paying for. (Going on 4 months now.) So no posting from home yet, but Justin and I are hooking up the computer in the spare room, so hopefully it won't be long.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Update you are in the correct year for exciting blog entries, just keep on moving to the summer time frame. Winter was a bleak time with few posts.

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