Please move on if you are tired of hearing of my whining about a job. And yes, I have now lowered my standards and I am looking for any job pretty much that pays something, but even those people say I am over qualified and won't stay.
Argh. I do have something in the works, something I am not sure I am qualified for, but that I convinced the hiring manager I was, so as soon as my background check clears (it will), I have a final interview in a few days. It is not the perfect job, but is actually the highest paying job I have applied for. (I am qualified for it, just haven't really done the exact job before.) It is a few more hours than I am used to, and it would mean being on call pretty much 24/7, but as the old saying goes, "It's always easier to find a job when you already have one." which is a pretty stupid saying if you ask me.
Otherwise, Justin was in and out of the hospital again, same issue, apparently what he had can become chronic after a while, or totally go away at any time, never to return.
Life is wonderful, life is great, I am going to get that job, or a job this week. I can't really write well right now, or write about some of the funny stuff going on, as I am consumed by jobs, job hunting, tweaking my resume, etc. but hopefully all of that will change soon.
I hope you get the gig! And I know what they about it being easier to find a job when you have one. It's kind of like how when you're single nobody talks to you but as soon as you get into a good relationship, every attractive person you ever fantasized about is suddenly interested.
I'm supposed to hear on a job myself any day now... "the waiting is the hardest part", to quote Tom Petty...
Who is tired of whining? Isn't that what blog love is all about? ;)
I always read your posts, but I don't often have anything clever to say, like right now.
Good luck with the job search. You are in my thoughts and I'm sending good vibes your way. Fingers are crossed that Justin will recover completely and be able to stay out of the hospital long enough to get the santiary smell off of him.
Just think, if all else fails, you can become a librarian. *Gag*
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