Monday, April 10, 2006

This is why I haven't been posting....

You Are 84% Evil

You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!

I feel better now with a real excuse, not just the lame ass shit going on in my life, that tends to take away from my blogging time. I am evil. A very sociable, nice kind of evil. Maybe even passive aggressive evil. Is there a passive aggressive test out there? If anyone knows, please let me know. I am the king of that. Or queen. Whatever.

I was actually told today, as constructive criticism, that I am too nice at work. If those people only knew me outside of work. (Inset evil laugh sound here, no way am I going to try to spell it.)

I was going to post more, but nah, I'll wait. I am evil after all.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Hi folks. I'm the blog doctor. The blog coroner was on his way here, to offically pronounce this blog dead, but he always ignores protocol, so I beat him here to make sure Bobby's Verbal Vomit Blog is actually dead.

So, let's take a look. No posts since March 7, that's a good sign of a dead blog. Even the lamest of bloggers can give some warning of a hiatus, or post something like "I'll be back soon", but nothing here. HHmmm.....

Let me take a look at the patient. HHhmm, a little bit of brain activity. From the blog brain waves, I see Bobby's Verbal Vomit has been listening to Spinning Girl, who recently so eloquently asked "What the hell?". A definate spike in the brain waves after that. Let me see what else is going on in Bobby's brain.

Emergency room visit for Justin. (He's good now.)
Emergency room visito for a neighbor's dog. (She's good now.)
Another surgery for Justin this Wednesday.
Stupid ass people bothering Bobby, filling up that part of the brain that wants to blog.
Warm weather is bringing back the angry joggers.
Another move coming up in June.

I hit the part of Bobby's brain that blogs, and there is still some life there people. I say let's give it a few days, and my prognosis is that Bobby will be back full on.

Signing off now, there's plenty of sick and dying blogs for me to check out. -The Blog Doctor