Monday, August 22, 2005

Back from my blog-free weekend

You won't be able to guess how many times I sat down to write something impressive, funny, interesting, etc. On my blog, and then canceled out before saving it. Occasionally I just have an un-inspirational weekend, creatively speaking.

But now, when I am back at work, the creativity will flow all day, distracting me from work, and keeping me coming back to the blog.

Got a comment on the last post, thanks Spinning Girl. While I have had some emails from the long time Verbal Vomit fans, not many people have posted. It really does give you a sense of satisfaction that others check your blog out occasionally, or find it slightly interesting or amusing. which I will promise to be someday, really!

I do have some stuff to post later, after I set up my desk to look like I am extremely busy for the day.

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